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News - Open Beta for Autumn Update 2012 - TibiaME4All.com
Open Beta for Autumn Update 2012
The Open Beta has startet!

You can access the Beta Test in different ways.
You can play directly in your web browser: http://www.tibiame.com/beta.php

TibiaME Beta Landescape mode (WebClient): http://www.tibiame4all.com/beta.php

Or you can download one of the following Clients:

Which gameworld was used for the copy?
Gameworld 1, due it's large userbase and different type of players.

Which gameworld do i have to connect to?
Gamworld 23.

How to get a higher level, gold?
You will find some special NPCs at Aurea city (Experia and his friends). Just talk to them and you will be able to level your character or get some gold. The NPCs will also teleport you to the important locations, like the Boss fights. That way you don't need to waste your time running around.

What about Premium and Platinum?
The server will automatically give your character Premium time and Platinum every 30 minutes.

What shall i test?
- Changes on the battlesystem
- Changes on the skillsystem
- The Banuna Bossfight (requires a group of players)
- St.Nivalis Bossfight
- The island Erebos (high levels)
- Changes on the Shopsystem, especially selling items
- New Feature Backpack and Depotmail!

Where can i give some feedback?
We will be updating the Beta Server from time to time, so there will be some downtimes. Also, this is a test! The Test Server might crash at any time, features might not work properly. Tell us about the bugs here:
Forum Thread

Have fun with test!
Category: TibiaME News
Date: 2012-10-31